Propagation of Sound

Concept Explanation

Propagation of Sound

Propagation of sound: When an object vibrates, it sets the particles of the medium (solid, liquid or gas) around it in vibration. The particles do not travel all the way from the vibrating object to the ear. A particle of the medium in contact with the vibrating object is first displaced from its equilibrium position. It then exerts a force on the adjacent particle. As a result of which, the adjacent particle gets displaced from its position of rest. After displacing the adjacent particle, the first particle comes back to its original position. This process continues in the medium till the sound reaches our ear. The source of sound creates a disturbance in the medium which travels through the medium. The particles of the medium do not move forward but the disturbance is carried forward. This is propagation of sound in a medium, hence sound can be visualised as a wave. Sound waves require a medium to travel, so they are called mechanical waves

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Why is the speed of sound in humid air greater than that in dry air ?

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Statement A : Sound would travel faster on a hot summer day than on a cold winter day.

Statement B : Velocity of sound depends on temperature.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

A sound wave travels from east to west in which dorection to the particles of air move ?

Right Option : A
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